Week 12: Building manual mode, figure out the problem and plan for the next couple of weeks.

      This week, we try to build the manual mode for our project. Manual mode is used when people think the iRobot is not working normally. It includes up, down, left, right command and the iRobot's direction will be under-control in manual mode. Before building that mode, we try to implement the LED lights with Arduino to check if the connection with Raspberry pi is correct. However, there was always some errors when we were comping the code and we found that the code we designed did not work, when we are building the manual mode. We checked the hardware connection first and then coding error part such as GPIO import etc.. At that point, we thought this is one of the most important parts, so we decided to ask the professors and classmates for help. Finally, we found that some of the commands are written in Capital, some of them are not in the proper format. After that, we learnt that Python cares more about case-sensitive and format in some situations. This will really help us if we decide to choose to write in Python because both of us do not have much experience about Python. Also from one classmate we got some information about remote control of iRobot (by using a device to connect Raspberry pi and iRobot.) . And we planned to make use of it in order to establish the remote control mode of the robot.
       We will keep working on the manual mode and we plan to finish the manual mode as soon as we can so that we can focus on the next step which is the autonomous mode. For the next step, we will choose either light or temperature sensor to detect the fire. In addition, we plan to make the iRobot working through Wi-Fi environment if we can figure out the hardware part and have enough time.


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